samedi 2 juin 2007

World: a database!?

A database is a collection of information, put in a predefined form, so that it can be searched.
An address book is an example. You can connect numbers with words or phrases, even images. Searches can be done on numbers or bits of texts, names, dates. Different databases can be connected with each other. This gives a network of references and information. References: codes that refer to something else. An address is referring to a real street. A telephone number is giving the possibility to speak to a real person.
In Second Life all the forms and programmed movements are coming from the database, only the movements and initiatives and ideas of the avatars are coming from the real world. Five is really moving in a database. Five sees a house? Not really: the combination of objects or primitives forming the house are nothing more numbers in a database. Numbers to positions, numbers to images which cover the shapes. Shapes which are predefined codes form the rendering process. Codes which guide the way the screen is displaying its information.
The inventory, this beautiful invention can be filled practically at infinity. Is Five carrying everything around? Now of course not, Five is only carrying the references to other codes in the database.
So this world is a database. That gives Five something to think about. Is the real world also a database? Think about it: a database carries references, but the real world is what it is: itself, so: real. What Five thinks, ideas, dreams, worries, these “things” are references to possibilities in the real world. Indeed the brain of Five is working with references. Memories are not real, memories are references to events in the real world. Ideas are codes, for instance to put something together in the real world. Language itself, the words, are referential. Philosophy and poetry, or just talking about ideas, take these ideas as content, treating them as if ideas were comparable to real things. Many mistakes are just around the corner doing this!
So our brain is a database, well sort of, but not exactly. Databases are rigid things, the brain is flexible. Databases never forget, the brain does a complicated process of weighing, partly compacting, rearranging, and destroying our experience. Sometimes forgetting is a blessing!
But in principle the database and the brain are more comparable than the brain and reality.
So Second Life as a database, which it is, is more comparable to our brain, then the real world. In Second Life we are really more looking at our own brain, its structure, its functioning then the real world. But thinking about this hypothesis, it seems plainly wrong. We are looking at a stylized version of the world. We seem to go in circles. From database to brain to database to Second Life to brain to reality…..
But in fact this is also a great facility of the brain: the constant re-imaging of data, presenting and representing the idea of the world, transforming every image, over and over again. The brain must do so. It is this power which makes a difference. The brain is certainly not comparable to the rigid database. The reality is not to be captured in a single idea. Brain and reality are shaping each other. Brain being driven to reinforce itself by changing as fast as reality is changing. Brains were divided over humans. Brains could function independently, united back by language. This uniting of scattered brain is slowly gaining momentum. In Second Life the different brains are acting in a single structure given by a database. Trying to play in a common rhythm, and forming a world. Will the brain plunge into this world, rather than continue the fight with reality? Or will brain become bored with the limitations and let it rot like television nowadays?

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